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Out Is In: Striking Structures beyond the Main House

high-end Boston architect, pool house

房主们正在利用他们房产的每一寸土地,创造专门的结构来改善他们的生活方式. 从豪华的娱乐房和泳池房到漂亮的船屋, garden structures and chicken coops, these onsite structures are functional, recreational and, often, a mix of both.

Carriage House/Pool Cabana


Patrick Ahearn Architect, photo by Greg Premru

Principal Patrick Ahearn, FAIA, of Patrick Ahearn Architect 几乎所有人都写了一本365体育官网客户端为生活艺术而设计空间的书. 他经常为自己构想的葡萄园庄园设计附属建筑, 但让我们印象特别深刻的是,这种多任务结构既可以作为马车房,也可以作为泳池小屋. 


Patrick Ahearn Architect, photo by Greg Premru

作为一个整体,该建筑的设计规模比主要住宅小,以尊重财产的层次结构,并带来Ahearn公司著名的建筑平衡. While the North façade functions as the carriage house, 东侧是一个游泳池小屋,上面有客房. 泳池边的入口与主入口的设计风格相呼应, 包括俏皮的Chippendale栏杆,灵感来自门廊和主要住宅的寡妇走道. There are other charming details as well, 就像一个铺着砖地和滑动门的乒乓球室. 


Patrick Ahearn Architect, photo by Greg Premru

Limonaia and Chicken Coop

Charles Hilton Architects has a relationship with a Greenwich, Connecticut, 房主,这是对过去赞助人/建筑师纽带的回归, 当建筑师在几代人的时间里增强了属性. 

high-end New England architects

Charles Hilton Architects

Over a 25-plus year period, 查尔斯希尔顿建筑事务所为乔治亚州的一个庄园增加了新的结构,因为房主已经获得了新的土地. 其中最主要的是一座受玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie antoinette)风格启发的法国诺曼底农舍, 二级物业,用于娱乐和提供从农场到餐桌的票价. 虽然我们不会大胆地说农舍是“外屋”,” there are a few structures that are, including the above limonaia, which was built in 2014 for the residents’ lemon trees. 

high-end New England architects

Charles Hilton Architects

帕拉第亚建筑的灵感来自于业主在意大利花园的逗留,” shares the firm, and certainly looks the part, with its rusticated stonework, handcrafted bronze gates and entryway fountain. 柠檬的设计是为了引起人们对中央凉亭和凉廊的注意, 在两端的亭子里设有盆栽室和古董雕刻的石灰石水槽, and, of course, bears fruit that owners enjoy in their recipes.

high-end New England architects, chicken coop

Charles Hilton Architects

In another spot of the property, Charles Hilton建筑事务所将鸡舍与现有的宾馆连接起来. A little less grand but no less useful, the structure gives the chickens a roost of their own, 房主们从他们的农场里得到新鲜的鸡蛋.

Winnepesaukee Boathouse

high-end New England architects, boathouse

Rob Bramhall Architects

当一座风景如画的温尼佩索基风格的湖屋需要一个有价值的船屋时, the owners enlisted Rob Bramhall Architects 彻底改造自1921年以来一直存在的现有结构. 该公司将船屋重新包裹在红色雪松瓦上,并用绿黑色装饰完成,并更新了结构,使其与主住宅保持一致.

high-end New England architects, boathouse

Rob Bramhall Architects

The boathouse, which is laden with Douglas fir in the interior, 有空间停放三艘船,包括一艘1925年的克里斯·克拉夫特(Chris-Craft), 还有一间二楼的家庭娱乐室,可以延伸到一个长长的露台. 甲板上令人难以置信的景色和下面荡漾的水面证实了这一地区的口头禅“湖边的生活更美好”.”

high-end New England architects, boathouse

Rob Bramhall Architects

Maine Playhouse

high-end New England architects, recreation lodge

TMS Architects; photo by Rob Karosis Photography

Another lake house property, this one imagined by TMS Architects, 试图创造一个独立的“游戏室”,可以取悦他们的广大家庭朋友,并作为最喜欢的度假目的地. For the exterior, 该公司使用了与主屋和客屋相同或类似的材料, including cedar shingles, stone veneer and a copper roof, 而内部则充满了来自南方的回收栗木. 一个八英尺宽的圆顶将充足的自然光洒进建筑, which was designed to evoke a Maine summer camp lodge. 

high-end New England architects, basketball court

TMS Architects; photo by Rob Karosis Photography

Though it’s termed “playhouse’, 这座附属建筑让年轻人和老年人都很满意,设施包括儿童游戏室和由乡村双石壁炉温暖的成人休息室, 两个10瓶保龄球馆和鸭瓶保龄球馆,还有一个有着黑色复古魅力的小吃店. The gymnasium, however, complete with bleacher seating and a basketball court, is a definite highlight, and scores big with the fans that come each summer.

high-end New England architects, basketball court

TMS Architects; photo by Rob Karosis Photography

Modern Pool House

high-end Boston architect, pool house

LDa Architecture & Interiors; photo by Eric Roth

当一个客户想要一个露天泳池房子,他们也可以在炎热的夏天之前享受, LDa Architecture & Interiors 创建了一个花园度假,靠近房子和游泳池. 房主不想要露台或封闭式门廊, 而是一个四面开放的建筑,你可以感觉到与房子分离,但与景观相连.

high-end Boston architect, pool house

LDa Architecture & Interiors; photo by Eric Roth

“As a garden element we could play with the design,” shares LDa principal Treffle LaFleche, AIA, and the firm used “a language of contemporary materials,” including a steel superstructure, 木结构屋顶和铜包层将建筑连接回主屋. 壁炉成为一个整体的设计特征(在肩季是关键), and a pyramidal skylight crowns the structure, which, depending on the time of day, streams in sunshine or starlight. Other amenities include a wet bar, sink and refrigerator, 还有一间浴室和更衣室,以及一个存放所有泳池设备的较低楼层.

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